This post is also available in: Dutch
I really love my BlackBerry and I really love WordPress. Earlier this week, an application was released that brings the two together: WordPress for BlackBerry. Great!
Now, I speak more than just one language and I’m using WPML to make my weblog multilingual. Great!
Problem is: I can’t use WordPress for BlackBerry to post in any other language than the native language of my weblog (which is Dutch). Now, I could post using my BlackBerry and change the language with a browser afterwards, but that’s probably the least interesting option. Besides: I understand it probably doesn’t make sense for WordPress to add built-in support for just WPML. Therefore I think it could be interesting for WordPress to investigate the possibility of supporting plugins within a wider context.
If the owner of a WordPress blog uses and trusts a certain plugin, why wouldn’t the WordPress for BlackBerry (don’t forget the iPhone) app “inherit” additional database fields, post features and offer there through the app?
Amir told me he hasn’t got a BlackBerry (yet) so I posted a few pictures to illustrate:
[flickr-gallery mode=”photoset” photoset=”72157621036163617″]
Thanks for reading this and feel free to comment or contact to me.