Linux : Kernel 2.6.4 is uit!

Jajajaja… Stel: Je gebruikt Linux en je houdt ervan om je computer (t)optimaal te laten draaien. Dan wil je waarschijnlijk, net als ik, over het allernieuwste kernel beschikken. In de Portage Tree kun je hem vinden onder development-sources. Let op: Je moet handmatig de ebuild emergen, want hij is nog niet stabiel geflagd, maar dat […]

Filesystem test: Reliability versus Speed

Filesystem Crash Test and Performance When installing linux, you have a great choice of filesystems. Popular filesystems for linux are: ext2, ext3, reiserfs, (XFS and JFS). These filesystems are different in many ways: Performance, CPU load and reliability. Unfortunaly, good complete filesystems tests on the internet don’t exist, are obsolete of very hard to find. […]

RDP over SSH

Due to the technical nature of the issue pointed out here and the lack of good information (or the lack of time to look for this information), I decided to post this article in english rather than dutch. I hope the information is useful to you. It’s working! Today in Sweden I set up a […]

uname -a

Linux daep 2.6.5-rc1 #1 Thu Mar 18 00:48:26 CET 2004 i686 Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux Zo! Zijn we thuis weer een beetje up-to-date. Meer over Gentoo Linux op deze web log