@ubertwiter Suggestion for #ÜberTwitter for #BlackBerry

Hi there,

This is an experimental extended Tweet. 140 characters just isn’t enough for a motivated feature request for ÜberTwitter…

I really love the Notification on Reply feature (check your BlackBerry profile, Tweeps!). Is there a way the ÜberTwitter icon takes you directly to your Replies? And is it possible to change ÜberTwitter’s icon a bit, so it matches the New E-Mail Icon on the BlackBerry?

Right now, there’s only a very subtle change in the ÜberTwitter icon, indicating that either one of the 1000 people you’re following wrote a new tweet, OR you got a reply from one of them, OR both 😉

Maybe integration of ÜberTwitter Replies with BlackBerry mail would cover this… That’d be great to have!