#feedburner instead of WP to Twitter #WordPress #plugin #RSS #syndication #xml

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I’ve been using WP to Twitter for a while to have my weblog posts tweeted to Twitter automatically. Today I started experimenting with feedburner.com. FeedBurner has been taken over by the allmighty Google, which means we can get lots and lots of statistics…

Here’s the deal: I took the RSS feed of my weblog and fed it to feedburner.com. Next, I went to twitterfeed.com, linking the RSS feed from feedburner.com to my Twitter account (are you still with me?).

The result is that all posts I write on my weblog end up in the RSS feed, after which they’ll be picked up by feedburner.com, passing them on to twitterfeed.com, after which they finally end up being tweeted on Twitter. This may look like a long, long way, but for me it means I can run my weblog with one plugin less… Furthermore, WP to Twitter only lets you shorten your URL’s with cli.gs, which is a bit buggy and has some apparently unsolvable issues. twitterfeed.com has a broad variety of URL shortening services like bit.ly, which offers great statistics about the clicks to your links.

And this is a nice syndication experiment, of course! RSS syndication lets you link just about anything to everything and that’s a nice challenge! 🙂